Billy and Mandy are the main characters from the animated television series of Cartoon Network entitled the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy (often shortened and called as Billy and Mandy) which was originally a part of Grim and Evil which started in 2001. It later on became a spin-off and a solo show which aired from June 13, 2003 to November 9, 2007.
The story is about Billy and Mandy who are two young children from the fictional town of Endsville in the USA. Their adventures began when they were celebrating the tenth birthday of Mr. Snuggles (Billy's pet hamster) and the Grim Reaper appeared to take away the soul of the old hamster.
To the Reaper's surprise, Billy and Mandy are not afraid of him and Mandy even refused to give him the soul of the hamster. To save Mr. Snuggles, Mandy challenged the Reaper to play a game with them, saying that he may take the soul of Mr. Snuggles if he wins. The Reaper agreed and took them to limbo to play his favorite game which is also called limbo. Confident that he will win, the Reaper said that if Billy and Mandy wins, he will be their best friend forever.
Mandy cheated by making Mr. Snuggles attack the Reaper who lost the game and became bound to be the best friend of Billy and Mandy for eternity. As a result, the Repear (whom Billy and Mandy call Grim) received horrible mockery and ridicule from his fellow supernatural creatures. He got really depressed during the first few days of his servitude to the children but has become able to adapt to his new life later on. Even so, he has a love-hate relationship with the children. He has developed a deep yearning and desire to cut loose from his eternal servitude. He has revealed fantasies of killing Billy and Mandy several times.
It is established in the story that Billy is a stupid boy and Mandy is a grim girl. These characteristics of Billy and Mandy must remain constant or else extreme changes will happen in the world they live in. For instance, when Mandy smiled, they were transported to the world of the Power Puff girls. Another case was when Grim changed Billy's grade to an "A" and everyone in the world became the exact opposite of who they used to be (except Mandy and Grim).
It can be observed that the show lacks continuity. At times, an episode can show severe changes and destruction in the world, the implied death of the main characters, and so on, but then everything returns back to normal in the next episode. The show usually ends without any resolution. There was even an episode which Billy tried to end early because of boredom.
Aside from Billy, Mandy, and the Grim Reaper, other major characters of the show include Irwin, Harold, Gladys, Grandmama, and Richard (Dick).
Billy and Mandy games are mainly available as online flash games. Many Billy and Mandy games can be found on Cartoon Network's site. The most popular among all Billy and Mandy games is The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy (official video game) which is for various gaming consoles.