Power Rangers is the team of costumed superheroes that were originally popularized in Japan. It is the Western take on the Japanese originals like Bioman and Five Man by Sentai. Evidently, the idea was accepted well by the public and caused the Power Rangers to be a very long running series that had many versions in the past decade.
The main idea of the television series- Bioman, Five Man, and Power Rangers alike- is to have a team of young individuals, usually three to five people, fighting against forces of evil to protect the world and maintain peace. They live regular lives as normal teenagers but they have the ability to transform into rangers (costumed heroes). Along with their transformation come strength, agility, fighting skills, and other special abilities. They also acquire powerful weapons which they use to eradicate monsters that are on the loose.
In the case of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers which was first aired on August 28, 1993, when their enemy monster gets really huge and strong, each ranger summons a Zord. They combine their Zords together to form the Megazord, which is a huge robot, to equal the size of the humongous enemy which will sooner or later be defeated. This style is highly similar to Voltes V, a popular Japanese anime.
In Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the heroes were originally chosen by an alien wizard named Zordon. He chose young people with "attitude" to summon the power of the dinosaurs and defeat Rita Repulsa along with her forces of evil aliens.
The rangers are given power and vowed never to disclose their ranger identity to anyone and to never use their power for selfish gains. If they break this rule, they will lose their power.
Generally, the costumes of the rangers in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers look alike at a certain degree. However, their colors and helmets are unique. Each helmet has a unique dinosaur design which represents each ranger.
Conversely, recent versions of the Power Rangers have incorporated more unique weapons and costumes for each ranger just like in Power Rangers Samurai and Power Rangers Jungle Fury. Other versions of Power Rangers that continued the legacy of Mighty Morphin are Power Rangers Zeo, Turbo, Space, Lost Galaxy, Lightspeed, Time Force, Wild Force, Ninja Storm, Dino Thunder, S.P.D., Mystic Force, Operation Overdrive, and R.P.M. The Power Rangers was first produced by Saban Entertainment, and then by BVS Entertainment, and presently by SCG Power Rangers LLC.
Unlike many superheroes who rely on their own or on their sidekick, the Power Rangers work together as a team. It is in working together where their greatest strength lies. Despite having a leader, usually the Red Ranger, all rangers are equal. Each of them has unique powers and special abilities that make each member valuable to the team.
Due to several versions, there are also numerous Power Rangers games available nowadays. Many people get their dose of Power Rangers games in online flash games while others prefer Power Rangers games in gaming consoles where they can experience action packed game play and witness decent graphics.