Star Wars is a fictional story created by George Lucas. It has been made into books, comics, animated shows, and the most popular franchise which is the movie series. Star Wars movies started with a trilogy about the latter half part of the story and were continued with another trilogy showing the former half part of the story.
The first movie of the first trilogy which is about the latter part of the story was shown on May 25, 1977 and was followed by the second and third movies having a three-year interval in between. After sixteen years, the first movie of the prequel trilogy was shown and was also followed by the second movie after three years and by the last movie, shown on May 19, 2005, after another three years.
The story of Star Wars is based on a fictional galaxy where space travel is ordinary and most planets are members of the Galactic Empire which is much like a nation's republic in real life. The story portrays different kinds of aliens, most of which are humanoids. There are also robotic droids that are built to render service to their owners.
Many people will agree that the most outstanding element of Star Wars is the Force- a ubiquitous type of energy that can be used by creatures who have the ability to harness it. It is described in the first Star Wars movie as the energy that is created by all living things and that which binds the entire galaxy.
Creatures that have the ability to wield the Force are granted supernatural powers and skills such as mind control, telekinesis, amplified speed and reflexes, precognition, and clairvoyance which can be developed by training.
Unfortunately, the Force has a dark side that instills malevolence, aggression, and hatred to creatures that use it. The creatures who use the dark side of the Force are known as the Sith. On the other hand, those who use the Force for good are called the Jedi Knights. The story of Star Wars revolve around the battle between the Sith and Jedi Knights.
Two of the most notable characters in Star Wars are Anakin Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi. Anakin Skywalker was a very talented 9-year old slave who was deemed by Obi Wan's master to be the "Chosen One" who will bring balance to the Force based on the Jedi prophecy. Unfortunately, Obi Wan's master died so he took the responsibility of training Anakin.
As the story progressed, Anakin Skywalker became a powerful Jedi Knight but he fell in love with Queen Amidala which is forbidden because Jedi Knights are like monks who cannot be involved in a romantic relationship. Anakin's love for Amidala started to make him turn to the dark side of the Force.
Because of the popularity of Star Wars, various merchandises have been made based on it. Star Wars games were released as the films catapulted it to fame. Nowadays, there are various Star Wars games available for various gaming platforms. Some of the popular Star Wars games include Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes, Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, and Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron.